Flying Fox Studio

Just comments about my art, kids, animals and the eccentricity of it all.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What I have been doing.

So this is what I did today, partially sculpted a very large doll head for a antique looking 1800's doll I want to make.
Finished painting the cabinet I have wanted to paint for years but my mom told me not too, because and I quote,"you will ruin it". Sorry mom but I like it so much better now, yeah I know it was grandma's but she's not using it anymore, I am. This shows off my treasures so much better.
There is such a variety of things in there, from a birds nest with little blue eggs in it and tucked inside one of the antique bowls, to a 1850's chocolate pot, and my grandma's bowl she kept filled with pink mints, ( the ones that taste just like pepto-bismol) it was always in the parlor where nobody was allowed enter except "company", and my much loved Dresden lace ladies.
The wood floor is all done, I just have to do the trim work around the walls.
Then I worked on the chair seats for the dining room chairs, tonight I am tired and there still needs to be laundry done, oh well it will be there tomorrow.
I do have to show you the teeny little strawberries I have been making, they are filled with dried lavender, made of vintage velvet and felted wool with glass beads.
My house is never clean because I am always mucking around with other stuff, besides the doctor told me the other day that because the tendinitis in my arm was so severe I should not be scrubbing. Perfect. Not like I needed an excuse not to clean, but this one is excellent and I'm going to use it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow--you have been busy!! I had to laugh about the china cabinet. My mom was always painting furniture gorgeous colors and people thought she was nuts for "ruining" the furniture. Your cabinet looks wonderful. I just love the chair seat you are making. One of these days i want to hook something, but it requires a whole new set of supplies=not sure I want to add more to my stash. And cleaning??--no excuses needed, but tendonitis is certainly a good one!!
