The first picking of green beans from the garden, a huge bucket full, and we should have more pickings too.
As I sat with the bucket of beans I had such strong memories of my dear dad sitting on the back steps snapping beans just as I was doing. Mom bottled them and he often helped with that too.
Mom bottled hundreds of quarts of vegetables jams and soups and many many bottles of peaches.
It seems to me the time is coming to re-learn those old skills and preserve and produce what we can.
I love your hooked chair seats! I've always thought it would be fun to make a small hooked rug--add that to my list of ideas of art to make!! LOL. Fresh green beans-yum. Green beans always make me think of when I was in the play "our Town" (community theater). I played one of the mothers and in one of the scenes we sit on the porch snapping beans. Haven't thought of that in a long time.