Flying Fox Studio

Just comments about my art, kids, animals and the eccentricity of it all.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

are you serious?

Really? seriously? Write a list? I will probably have a heart attack if I do.

Somebody mentioned to me I should probably write a list of things I need to finish and work on them one by one.

You have got to be kidding.

I have dozens of paintings in various states, probably two dozen knitting projects, at least, and more than that in quilting projects. I love to start new stuff. Eventually I get them finished. It often takes a while though.

So I will show you three pieces close to being finished and I am going to try really hard to complete the dang things in the next month.

Write a list....., good grief, it would be overwhelming so really see what I had to finish.

1 comment:

  1. I love the cat on the felt stitched piece. Very nice. How's Burgess doing?
