Flying Fox Studio

Just comments about my art, kids, animals and the eccentricity of it all.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Can you see why we call her Piggy? and yes her blankies are dirty, oddly she licks them and they soil quickly, I'm having a hard time getting downstairs to the laundry room, and the blankies will have to wait.
The other day I pulled a basket from the cupboard, I was looking for a particular length of fabric, even though it was pretty much emptied of soft stuff, Tigger thought it would make a lovely bed and took it over.
Sunshine, delicious....
and when you are laying on the heating pad you took over so your mom can't sit on it for the sciatica in her butt, then its even better, sunshine AND a heating pad? just doesn't get much better for a cat.

1 comment:

  1. Sparky licks his bed all the time--I just think it's because he loves it so much!! Such funny little creatures they are!!
